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Jordana's Blog: Why I Only See Movies John Williams Hates

Don't go to the movies with John Williams.

He recommended a movie to me that I rented over the weekend. It was 75 minutes of my life that I'll never get back. The movie was "The Lobster."

No, I'm not going to tell you about it because I can't. I never understood what the heck was going on. With 15 minutes to go, handsome husband and I couldn't take it any longer and we turned it off. We both vented about how stupid we felt because we never had a clue what the point of the movie was and then cursed John Williams for either being a lot smarter than us or duping us into throwing 75 valuable Sunday evening minutes down the toilet.

Curse you John Williams!

From now on I will only go to movies John hates or does not recommend.

Footnote: John has not seen the Star Wars series...I rest my case.

Who's your movie foil? What did they recommend that you hated?

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