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Movie Blog: Twice The Premieres At Trylon

Remember Trylon's Premiere Tuesdays? Well, they're doubling the number of days you can see them each week, and they're doubling the number of movies they present every month. So you'll have to be quick on the draw to take in all their offbeat selections.

If you act tonight, you can catch Silent Souls, a Russian art house selection that's been compared to the works of Andrei Tarkovsky (though, at a svelte 75 minutes, Souls is only a fraction as durationally hefty).

In the film, two men try to execute an ancient Meryan funeral ritual on one's recently deceased wife, and their efforts become this disquieting (or is that becalming?) film.

SILENT SOULS [trailer]. Pacific Meridian Film Festival 2010. Competition. by Pacific Meridian on YouTube

On March 12-13, Trylon presents one of the movies that didn't make the cut for this year's best documentary feature Oscar category (which puts it in good company, starting with The Interrupters and Project Nim).

Battle For Brooklyn follows Daniel Goldstein as he fights like David against those who would clear out his home community of Prospect Heights to build a series of somewhat interchangeable stone-and-steel Goliaths.

His mission might resonate with those of you who, like me, still can't believe they tore down the Metropolitan Building in Minneapolis.

Trailer: Battle for Brooklyn by theMPInstitute on YouTube

Roadie rolls in on March 19-20, and settles right in. Michael Cuesta's drama follows the sour plight of a man who, when let go as a rock 'n' roll roadie, must take a hard look at the state of his life, and try to pick up from where he left off years and years (and drinks) ago.

The Autobiography Of Nicolae Ceausescu is a 180-minute monster of a documentary, about an even bigger monster: the former Romanian president who ruled with an iron fist before ultimately being overthrown and killed in 1989.

Director Andrei Ujica tells the panoramic story via newsreels and other footage originally meant to defer to Ceausescu's eminence.

The movie plays March 26-27.

The Autobiography Of Nicolae Ceausescu by Andrei Ujica trailer. Bande annonce by on YouTube

An early preview of April's selection of area premieres -- the Trylon is taking a hard look at the state of modern-day China. Documentaries, fiction and the realm of the avant garde will all be presented in order to give as well-rounded a portrait as four movies can be expected to give. Read more here.

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