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Dayton Renews Push To Lower Health Insurance Premiums

ST. PAUL, Minn. (WCCO) -- Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton renewed his push on Thursday to open a state health insurance program to more people so they can get lower insurance premiums.

The Democratic Governor wants to expand the state subsidized MinnesotaCare insurance program to working families who can't afford health care.

One Butterfield-area farm family says they pay $33,000 in health premiums and deductibles every year, and can't hold on to the farm much longer.

"We keep telling ourselves if we can just hang in there another year, the Legislature is going to do what is right and give some relief. But I don't know if with the declining crop prices how much longer a lot of farm families like ours are going to be able to hang in there," Brian Romsedahl said.

Republicans say the Governor's proposal won't pass this year. They say it pays too little to rural hospitals for treatments, and some could close.

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