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Thrifters In Midst Of Used Clothing Boom From Stay-At-Home Closet Purges

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- With so many of us spending extra time at home, spring cleaning seems to be on overdrive.

Local trash services we spoke with tell us people are definitely tossing out more than usual.

But with some consignment stores temporarily closed, it can be challenging to find a new place for your stuff.

Business is booming for Hannah Morton.

"It's its kind of been a nightly routine of ours to drive around the cities pick up clothes and bring them into our apartment," Morton said.

For years, she has been reselling used clothing online. But right now, she's busier than ever.

"Spring cleaning to the max," she said. "Everybody's at home everybody's going through their closets, I've done it already almost a dozen times."

Before the pandemic, Morton, a full-time marketing professional, would hand select items from local thrift stores and consignment shops.

"When all this happened and thrift stores announced that they closed I posted things on Facebook next door," she said.

Morton's call for used clothing was answered in droves.

"It's been overwhelmingly amazing," she said. "People have been reaching out almost everyday that they have clothes or different shoes or whatever else for me to pick up."

Mike Robinson, director of information services at Dick's Sanitation Service in Lakeville, says they've been seeing an increase in the amount of trash they've been picking up.

"A lot of things people are cleaning out of their house," Robinson said.

"There's been some people who have commented 'I was just going to throw this away come pick it up I'm happy for you to have it,'" Morton said.

Morton says many people tell her they couldn't find another place to offload their items. She's more than happy to help make their stay-at-home spring cleaning a breeze.

"I'm so happy that I'm able to avoid clothes being thrown into the trash and sitting in landfills and I'm able to give different articles of clothing a new life and a new home," Morton said.

She says she spends 30 hours a week, on top of her full time job, reselling used clothing.

Some thrift stores and consignment shops have also moved their inventory online. So check with your favorite local spot.

To view Hannah Morton's online shopping/selling profile click here. 

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