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'REALLY NICE!' Pres. Trump Praises MPD Union's 'Cops For Trump' Shirts & Union President Lt. Kroll

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- President Donald Trump continues to focus in on Minneapolis with a barrage of tweets Tuesday morning ahead of Thursday's rally. Now, he's complimenting the Minneapolis police union.

Trump personally thanked Lt. Bob Kroll, Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis president, for his "kind words" during a recent Fox and Friends interview.


The union began selling "Cops for Trump" T-shirts just days after the police department banned officers from wearing their uniforms in support of political candidates. Kroll said he was told of the ban one day after Trump announced he would be coming to Target Center, and shortly after Mayor Jacob Frey said Trump was not welcome in the city.

Trump also praised the union's shirts.


Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is threatening legal action due to "security fees" for Thursday's rally, and is sparing with Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey on Twitter.

The administration says the city billed Target Center for the cost of the visit – upwards of $530,000 – and the venue tried passing the cost onto the Trump campaign.

WCCO tried getting clarification from the city on those points but have yet to hear back.

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